
Here we go again
Another pack of cigarettes
Another pack of birth control
And, god I hate it,
But here we go again.
You think I'm happy with this life?
Really think I'm happy?
God dammit, look at me!
I'm back to where I started
Square one again
The only difference is I'm fatter
And I'm not puking my guts up
Buy hey, I'm still me, right?
Somewhere inside this shitty package
I'm still me
I'm still that sweet, loving girl
Everyone knew
It's just all the shit piled on top
That's made me what I am now
What you see now
What no one can love anymore
For most, I'm just a good lay
Every once in a while
But I can't complain, on the outside
So here we go
A box of condoms, a pack of cigarettes
A tank top, some mascara
A wink here, a kiss there
Jump into bed
And here we fucking go again.

October 28, 2002
