
I never thought I could feel this way
Thought I could feel only pain for the rest of my life
But now, I feel so vulnerable
So free, so open
I've given myself to you completely
My heart belongs to you
And yet you're still so far away
I never thought I could love like this
I want you to know everything about me
I want you to know me inside and out
And I don't want you to ever forget
Don't ever leave my side
I must admit, when I met you
I was only planning on that one night
I didn't mean to love you
But you opened your heart to me
You reached down and touched me
In a place I'd forgotten had existed
A place I thought I'd locked up long ago
But somehow, you found the key
You opened me up, let me out
And for it, I will love you forever
I owe you my life, because you saved it
You showed me how to live again
Showed me I could love again
And even better, you loved me back
As unimagineable as that seemed
You loved me back
And I can no longer deny it
How can anyone miss it?
I love you,
And we were meant to be.

January 9, 2003
