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Laura Ingalls Wilder

Hey! If you're here, that means you are a Laura Ingalls Wilder Fanantic. Or you want/need to know more about her. She is my all-time favorite author. I invite you to read a few basic facts (which you may already know):

*Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born on Feb. 7 in Pepin, Wisconsin
*She had an older sister, Mary, and two younger sisters: Caroline(Carrie) and Grace.
*Mary went blind from scarlett fever.
*Her parents were Charles Ingalls and Caroline Quiner Ingalls.
*She was a school teacher at 16.
*She married Almanzo Wilder, who was 10 years older than her!
*They had daughter Rose Wilder Lane, who divorced her husband, Gillete Lane.
*Almanzo died at 89.
*Laura was the last living person in her family.
*Laura died at 90, Feb. 10, 3 days after her birthday.
Now you know a little about her. Watch for updates! E-mail me if you have questions/comments.

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