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H*R icons. Y

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~Homemade Homestar Icons.~

Yay for H*R! Here are some icons that I made. Check back for more soon if you like them, because I enjoy making them.

Right click and select "save as," then save them to your compy and load them onto your site.

(None of the images belong to me; I just re-formed them. All drawing credit goes to the Brothers Chaps.)

Have any requests? Suggestions? I want to improve this site if needed. Please take time to let me know what you think, if there are any problems, and/or request a picture or icon you would like to see.

65x65 & 80x80
(note: I made the 65x65 for someplace that now uses 80x80, so maybe I'll make some of them bigger, someday, or at least add a border so they don't get distorted)

50x50 (AIM-sized)

(approx) 100x100 (LiveJournal sized, etc?)

