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Here are a few display links for you to add to your pro-file's, e-mail's, website's, etc. I am in the process of making more from other anime saga's, but here's what ya gots ta choose from for right now. Enjoy!!! got a request for a link graphic? Well e-mail me then!!! Laters baka.

Display Link 1: Love Hina Based
Display Link 2: Neon Genesis Evangelion Based
Display Link 3: Ninja Scroll Based
Display Link 4: Love Hina Based
Display Link 5: Love Hina Based
Display Link 6: Love Hina Based
Display Link 7: Love Hina Based
Display Link 8: InuYasha Based
Display Link 9: InuYasha Based
Display Link 10: Card Captor Sakura Based
Display Link 11: Card Captor Sakura Based
Display Link 12: Magic Knight Rayearth Based
Display Link 13: Magic Knight Rayearth Based
Display Link 14: InuYasha Based
Display Link 15: InuYasha Based
Display Link 16: Petshop of Horrors Based