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Kat's Home

Hi there, my names Kathy or Kat for short. I live in lovely, sometimes rainy Washington State. (Tacoma one ear & 6 in the other. I have 2 tattoos. One on my ankle & a new one on my hand! (no it didn't hurt)

Not much here to look at right now. Below are a few links you can check out. Some photos, a few of my poems etc..


I'm 30, no husband, no boyfriend, no kids. (yes I'm "okay" with that... Not looking "really") I do have 2 very stubborn cats, a bunny aka satan in a fur coat & a fish tank full of fishies. I've been told I'm not a typical chick.... I'm sarcastic (at times), I have an odd sense of humor, I adore blood and gut movies, action... blow things up movies, british comedies & video games. Of course I do have some chick tendencies like hating bugs, spiders and snakes! I have lots of ear piercings, currently 4 in

My Links

My 200 Questions
My Poetry Page
Icon Page
