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(Everybody's) waiting for love

My eyes see my love day in, day out,
So near yet so far.
My heart feels the sense-defying energy,
So powerful yet do feeble.
My face glows in the luminescent source,
So radiant yet do faint.
My hands reach out to hold on forever,
So honestly yet so fearful.

Patience, patience saves
Coercion enslaves.
Respect earned
Precedes love yearned.
Take care, take time
Haste is a crime.


We are waiting for love, love the blessed thing,
Some wait for eternity,
Some are overcome by infidelity.

We are waiting for love, love denoting strength,
Some wear it as a mask,
Some wear it as an armour.

We are waiting for love, love acceptance personified,
Some get lost into the night,
Some are cured of their fright.

I wait for the right time, right place, right mood,
I wait,
Till it's not too late!