Broken © kadiya

Night consumes me
and again i die a thousand deaths
Inside my head

i wonder who i am in this place
This place i call myself
i scream, but it is silent
Heard by my ears alone
Echoing within the walls of a lost soul

i peer into a mirror
A reflection mocks my gaze
and i wonder, who is she?
Her eyes lie, i know her truths
i see what no one sees

Weaknesses, faults, failures
As i allow them to be
A choice to suffer, to embrace the pain
In hopes it brings strength where none exists

Searching inside for something long lost
A definition of what a girl is
A reminder of who she is
Hungry for the echo of what she was

The mirror shatters
A hundred pieces littered upon the floor
And i know..
i am each of those pieces
i am each reflection of something different
Each shard, a piece of my heart

i gather the mess lain before me
Cherishing each piece
For i know, broken or not
The girl staring back..
is simply me.

A Lesson