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Jeremy's Poetry Page

This page is merely here to let other people read and comment on my poetry. I am tired of writing 15 emails every time I come up with a new poem, but I still enjoy letting people read and comment on them so this was my solution. Please feel free to send me an email with some comments about my poetry, I love to hear what people think of my writing. Hearing how my poetry effects people is what makes writing worth it to me. I don't really find any satisfaction in just writing things, its seeing and hearing how it effects people that makes it truely worthwhile and fun. I only ask one thing of those of you who write me, if you send me criticism please make it constructive criticism vs destructive. Thank you.

"You never take the same thing from a piece of poetry that the person next to you does, that is what makes poetry so special and such an individual experience. What is taken from poetry is the part that connects with your life, your emotions, your philosophy. The poems that connect with you in the deepest ways are the ones that are good. The great poems are great because they can connect with a lot of people in the very deepest way. Being able to do that is what makes the difference between mediocre poetry and great poetry." - something I came up with that I think everyone will agree with.

My Poems

Untitled 2
Untitled 3
Untitled 4
Untitled 5
The Valley
Untitled 6
Untitled 7
Untitled 8
