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A website dedicated to advancing the notion that...

Shakespeare Was An Irishman

The Voluminous Evidence

Well, O.K., the only evidence I know of is an article, appropriately titled, "Shakespeare Was An Irishman", by T.F. Healy from The September, 1940 issue of The American Mercury. I'm afraid I don't know anything about Mr. Healy except that (like Shakespeare) he was an Irishman. The article is certainly interesting and entertaining, and does make some valid points, notably concerning Shakespeare's apparent insertion of Gaelic phrases into his plays and possible Irish sources (and additional subplots) for Hamlet, but perhaps does not completely, absolutely, irrefutably prove Shakespeare's Irishness.

The only reference to this article I've found on the web was an article called "The Secret of Shakespeare's Irish Sympathies: Once Again Lord Oxford's Own Personality Speaks Through the Plays", by Charles Wisner Barrell, that originally appeared in the June 1941 Shakespeare Fellowship Trust Newsletter (American Branch), in which he argues that evidence that Shakespeare was an Irishman just proves all the more decisively that Shakepeare was really Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford (an Englishman).

This scholarly site is maintained John Finneran, e-mail: John.Finneran (at symbol)

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