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ENG 200-002
Class Calendar
Fall 2004

Semester Theme: Dreams, Lost and Twisted

Week 1—Aug. 21
Day 1 Course introduction. In-class discussion and writing on semester theme: Dreams, Lost and Twisted. Read and discuss Samuel (pg. 12): What happens to the dreams that Samuel had? What happens to the dreams of Samuel’s family—the dreams that were related to Samuel?

HW: Read: Chpt. 1. Find date of arrival of the Mayflower and date of arrival of the first slave ship to “the new world.” Bring to class.Write: Journal entry 1: Questions 1 and 4, pgs. 13 and 14.Find a poem on the web by, and biographical info on, Phillis Wheatley. Print and bring to class. (Check our website for helpful link)

Day 2 Discuss journal entry on Samuel. Discuss Chpt.1. Compare Frost’s and Mora’s poems. What are immigrants’ dreams? Are the immigrants Frost imagines different from the ones Mora imagines? How?What about forced immigration? Discuss Wheatley poems. Begin time-line in groups (Group Project to continue throughout the semester.)   
HW: Read Chpt. 14. Journal entry 2: explicate (see pg. 36 for explanation of “explication”) and respond to one stanza of one of Wheatley’s poems other than the one in the book. Optional journal entry: Compare/contrast Wheatley’s “On being brought from AFRICA to AMERICA” (924) with Langston Hughes’ “Harlem” (635).HW: Read “Martin Luther King Jr.” by Gwendolyn Brooks (944). Do journal entry 3 on the poem in which you explicate it. Journal entry 4: look up King’s “Dream” speech (check our web site for a link). Compare Brooks’ poem to King’s speech.

Week 2—Aug. 28
Day 1   Bring journals to class for discussion. More time-line work in classDiscuss Chpt. 27. In class writing on “Starry Night.”
HW: Read Chpt. 27. Find a painting by Ernie Barnes that relates to Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem.” Journal 5: How does the painting refer or relate to Hughes’ poem? Look at other Ernie Barnes paintings. Find one that relates to dreams and write about it.HW: Read Chpt. 2. Journal 6—write your own poem about van Gogh’s The Starry Night, then explicate your own poem. Begin reading A Raisin in the Sun.Optional journal: initial reactions to Raisin

Day 2 Bring poem and explication to class.  Discuss Chpt. 2. Discuss Raisin.  
HW: Finish Raisin

Week 3—Spt. 4
Day 1 Discuss Raisin and McCarthyism.Are the housing association’s dreams legitimate? Why or why not? It’s just the American Dream, isn’t it?

HW:. Look up “McCarthyism” on the web. Optional Journal: Describe “McCarthyism” in your own words. Look up “the Patriot Act” on the web. Are there any connections between the McCarthy era and now?Read Chapt. 6 on Allegory and Symbolism (including Welty’s “A Worn Path”)

Day 2 Discuss Chpt. 6. Look at symbols in Raisin. Talk about symbolism in Welty.  
HW: Journal 7: Discuss one symbol in Eudora Welty’s “A Worn Path.” (Hint: look up the old woman’s name in a dictionary)Go to Cyberguide for A Raisin in the Sun. Use Activity #5 to arrive at subject of first paper: You will be writing about a symbol that occurs in the play. Bring first draft to next class. Include copy of first draft in journal 8

Week 4—Spt. 11

Day 1 Review drafts of papers together in class.
HW: Revise paper. Optional Journal: What I have learned about symbolism so far.Optional journal: Watch movie, Malcolm X. Write response
Day 2 Journals due. Paper due.   

Week 5—Spt. 18
Day 1 Watch A Raisin in the Sun
HW: Journal 1: look at and respond to the “Interprise Poll—American Dream 2000.”
Day 2 continue   

HW: Journal 2: compare the book and the movie. What was different? What was the same? Did any of the characters look differently than what you pictured? Did any of the characters in the movie play his/her part differently than you thought it should be played? Did the movie or the book make you “feel” something? What? Which made you “feel” the most? Why?

Week 6—Spt. 25

Day 1 Discussion of movie compared to book. What was lost and what was gained by genre change? What is the meaning of “The American Dream?”
HW: Read (or re-read) “Might We Too?” (19) Journal 3—question #2 pg. 20. Bring to classBegin reading Chpt. 9. (pgs. 168-184) Journal 4: On “Battle Royal”: What was the narrator willing to do to achieve his dream? (This requires more than the concrete answer of what he physically “did” in the story.) Was he right? What are you willing or not willing to do to achieve your dream(s)? What were the dreams of the men in the crowd? Were they legitimate dreams? Why or why not? What makes a dream legitimate or illegitimate?
Day 2 Discuss “Might We Too?” In-class writing to Coltrane. Discuss achievements and dreams.Discuss “Battle Royal” and journal entries. In-class writing on #2 pg.183 and #3 pg. 184 before discussion.   
HW: Read pgs. 184-20

Week 7—Oct. 2

Day 1 Groups: paraphrase and discuss Du Bois’ “Of Our Spiritual Strivings.”
HW: Finish Chpt. 9. Journal 5: What is W. E. B. Du Bois’ gripe with B. T. Washington? Who do you agree with and why? Whose dream is more legitimate?
Day 2 Discuss Du Bois, Washingtonand Myrdal   
HW: Re-read Gunnar Myrdal (191). Journal 6: What is this selection an excerpt from? What is/was the significance of the original? How does it relate to A Raisin in the Sun?Read 869-884(Emily Dickinson section of Chpt. 28.)
Week 8—Oct. 9
Day 1 Explications of Dickinson poems in groups. What dreams do you see?

HW: Find biographical information about Dickinson. Bring to class. Find article on Dickinson’s religious beliefs. Find poems about her religious beliefs. Print one and bring to class.

Day 2 In-class writing: character sketch of Emily Dickinson. What were E. D.’s dreams? Are any lost or twisted? Journals due.   
HW: Begin reading The Talented Mr. Ripley (if you haven’t already).

Week 9—Oct. 16
Day 1 Discussion of first impressions of Ripley. Begin character sketches of characters in Ripley (to be included in journal 1).
HW: Keep reading Ripley. Also read pgs. 66-76 and 85-93 in Intro. to Lit. book

Day 2 Discuss Chpts. 4 and 5. In class groups: read and explicate “Butterflies,” and “Flies.” Discuss Plot, etc., and Point of View.  
HW: continue reading Ripley. Read“A Good Man is Hard to Find” (284).

Week 10—Oct. 23
Day 1 In-class interpretation of “Good Man.” In-class: read and discuss pgs. 313-316.
HW: Journal 2: identify and trace a recurring symbol throughout “Good Man.”

Day 2 Symbols in “Good Man.”  
HW: continue reading Ripley. Journal 3: Begin to identify recurring themes and symbols.

Week 11—Oct. 30
Day 1 In this book, whose dreams are legitimate and whose aren’t? Discuss symbols and themes.
HW: Finish Ripley. Journal 4: start free writing and/or listing connections between “Good Man” and Ripley. This will be the basis for your next paper.

Day 2 Discuss connections between “Good Man” and Ripley. Start drafting paper.   
HW: Draft paper on “Good Man” and Ripley. Include copy of first draft in journal 5.

Week 12—Nov. 6
Day 1 Proposal due regarding final project and paper. A copy will be included in your journal 6. In-class review of paper
HW: Revise paper
Day 2  Journals due. Paper due.   

Week 13—Nov. 13
Day 1 Watch movie: The Talented Mr. Ripley
HW: work on project and paper.
Day 2 Finish movie   
HW: continue work on project and paper.

Week 14—Nov. 20

Day 1 MLA review. Grammar review.Discuss differences between book and movie.
HW: Journal 1 on differences between book and movie. What was lost? What gained?
Day 2.Update on papers and projects.   
HW: continue work on papers and projects. Read “One Friday Morning” (385) and “The Son of America” (391)

Week 15—Nov. 27

Day 1 In class writing for journal 2: what do these stories tell us about people’s dream of or about America?Begin oral presentations if necessary.
HW: Journal 3: Do you see any ways that the American Dream has become lost or twisted? If so, what or how. If not, explain why it remains legitimate or intact. In either case, cite works from this class to prove your thesis. (Since there have been so few journals in this section, I expect this one to be quite long and detailed—a couple of pages would be good. In some ways, this is a wrap up of the semester’s discussions.)

Day 2 Update on papers and projects. Discuss last journal entry.Journals due. Oral presentations.   
Week 16—Dec. 4
Day 1 Oral presentations. Final papers and projects due.     
Exam Week (December 8-14)
        Final  Exam:    Tuesday, December 13, 12:15-2pm
        Note room change for final exam: AV122

Calendar subject to change if necessary

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