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Perfect Love In Heaven

She spent all her life believing
That "Perfect" didn't exist
It was just a fairy-tale word
That stereotypes would upon insist

"Perfect" was the word
Describing something without flaws
She didn't think that could happen
Sooner or later, everyone shows their claws

She didn't believe in Love
It was more like she was scared
That after the sweet, soothing glances
Came the cruel and evil glare

Really, she wasn't scared to love
Or wear her heart out on her sleeve everyday
She was scared of someone ever loving her back
'Cause they could always take it away

She always believed in Heaven
That it was somewhere up above
But you weren't to be sent there
Until you had experience Love

She thought the angels were always watching
And looking over her shoulder
She thought they'd always make sure
Someone was there to love and hold her

But she never got to discover
Her one and only "Perfect" guy
And she never got to experience Love
The greatest privileges, she had been denied

But she was going to go to Heaven
Where her angels waited and lyed
Still, she had left all too soon
'Cause someone chose to drink and drive

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