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Welcome to Fallen Stars

_-^-_take me to the stars_-^-_

You are walking on a path in a strange forest.A young woman walks up to you. She smiles calmly and looks around. The woman speaks§I am Loranne Lorance.Welcome to the lands of Fallen Stars§She looks at you and you blink.When you look at the spot where she was, a white mare stands in her spot&esct;To get the the valley where this land got its name,just follow this trail§The mare rears and spins on her rear hooves.She takes of down the trail at a gallop.You walk along the trail untill nighttime. Suddenly you come to a drop off overlooking a beautiful valley. Shooting stars,comets,the moon,stars and planets show up in the sky. The white mare returns to you cantering up a trail you didn't see§To reach the valley as a human take that trail on your left. To enter the valley as an equine, follow me§With that she takes off again, a white streak on the path

†This site was made by Blizzard,the owner,11 yrs old†
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this layout was made by Lito at LitoDesign.

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