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Ms. Henry's English Class

Syllabus- English 10 1st Semester Instructor- Renee Henry The 10th grade literature course is designed to study the English language by focusing on reading and writing. Students will read classics of western literature and poetry as well as works that complement the countries studied in their 10th grade global studies classes. Students will practice writing about what they have read, in addition to creating compositions on other topics. At the same time, the English language will be studied through exercises in grammar, vocabulary, and public speaking/discussion. Students must always bring paper and writing implements to class. In addition, students will need a 3-hole. Formal writing assignments must be typed on a word processor and saved for revision. Individual grades will be calculated on a transparent point system. Term grades will be calculated by categories. · Literature/poetry (30%) · Writing (30%) · Grammar (15%) · Vocabulary (15%) · Public Speaking / Homework (10%) Students will be expected to comport themselves appropriately at all times. This includes both showing respect for peers and the instructor and also acting in a truthful and honest manner. Homework Yes, there will be homework. Homework must be completed and handed in at the beginning of class, otherwise it is considered late. With every day late, the assignment will be docked a letter grade. After 3 days it will no longer be accepted. If you have concerns, see me! If absent -- you get five days to make-up work. Make-up work is your responsibility! Make-up assignments are done before/after school – not during the following day’s class time. Please turn in late work, or make-up work, directly to me. Do not set work on my desk, chair, or stand. Do not have friends turn work in for you. Turn in the work before or after class by handing it directly to me; for if not, it may not get in the gradebook. Cheating (including plagiarism) will not be tolerated. The assignment gets no credit and the final quarter grade will be docked one letter grade. Tutorial: Tutorial will be held every Monday from 2:15-3:15. Please see me if other arrangements need to be made. I will try to accommodate. Class Rules: My philosophy of teaching treats each class as a performance. When you go to the theater there are certain rules you must follow. The same applies in my classroom. The following rules are posted in the class: 1. QUIET ON THE SET!!! 2. THE PERFORMANCE BEGINS AT THE ECHO OF THE BELL 3. ALWAYS BRING YOUR PROPS TO CLASS (texts, pens, journals, notebooks) 4. NO LEAVING YOUR SEAT DURING A PERFORMANCE 5. NO EATING, DRINKING, OR CHEWING IN THE THEATER IN ADDITION, THE FOLLOWING RULES WILL ALSO BE ENFORCED: 6. NO PENCILS WILL BE USED EXCEPT FOR BUBBLE SHEET TESTS 7. RESPECT: yourself, others, this school, this state, this nation, the world, etc.... 8. ALL QUIZZES GRADED IN CLASS WILL BE MARKED WITH RED INK 9. ALL H.V. Jenkins ARE ENFORCED IN THIS CLASS--INCLUDING DRESS CODES!!! Please note that the 5-step discipline referral will be strictly enforced. 10. COME TO CLASS PREPARED AND TRY TO HAVE SOME FUN!!! Needs For Class: You will need the following items for your English class this school year: 1. A 3 ring binder: This is a very important part of the class. Find a good one with LOTS of paper. 2. Divider Tabs 3. A hard cover journal composition book for your daily journal writing assignments. 4. Pens( blue or black), a red pen 5. Disks (at least two) Failure to bring any of the above items to class will cause you to be considered “unprepared” for class. Daily Journal: Each student will be required to keep a daily journal. The journal will count as a major test grade for each grading period, and students will find the daily topic on the board in class each day. Journal writing will take place during the first 5-10 minutes of class, so please begin writing at the echo of the bell. Please note: when journal due dates are announced, no late journals will be accepted. Note: If you are absent, get journal topic from another student. You are required to have all journal topics. Also, once the bell has rung, all students should be writing in their journal. If a student is not writing in journal he/she will be considered off task. Cut Here: I have read and understood both the syllabus and class rules Please Sign and write your name. Parent: _______________________________ _______________________________ Student:______________________________