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When Jesus walked the dusty roads of ancient Galilee,
Even then, He carried a load, that load was you and me.
He knew that He would carry that load up Calvary's hill,
He knew there was a law that only He could fulfill.

God's law of retribution was blood sacrificed for sin,
Jesus' perfect life must end because of what we have been.
His manner, a robe of righteousness that only He could wear,
But no matter where He looked, Golgotha was always there.

Jesus was probably inconspicuous, average height and weight,
A man with spotless integrity, but He knew his inevitable fate.
He traveled with his disciples, but everywhere He went,
He could see ahead Golgotha and the agony it meant.

His followers went with him just to hear his words so wise,
His manner was gracious and tender, but they didn't realize
His face was set, his eyes had a certain faraway look,
He'd follow the path before Him, no matter what it took.

There's no way we could bear our own sin and shame,
Jesus carried a cross to Calvary, to take all the blame
Jesus was God's only son but from birth to the grave
He met his destiny knowing it was your soul he came to save.

His back was literally shredded to make you free from pain,
He suffered a cruel death, then in a tomb was lain,
In three days Jesus arose from the grave in victory
Conquered death and Hell, and your soul is forever free.

By F. W. (Lucky) Hope

Inspirational Poetry by Lucky Hope