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Haiku of 4th Period Precalc


Welcome to the Poetry page of Mrs. Sorrell's 4th Period PreCalc class.
Why poetry in PreCalc you ask? Because we were bored, that's why.
With out furthur ado, here's the current headlining poetry:

PreCalc Review: by Tim Lehman
I sit in my desk
My eyes remain open still
The book is closed, though

Math, etc.: by Tim Lehman
Logarithims now
Trigonometry - not yet
I procrastinate

Arrogant Bastard: by Tim Lehman
Bring on the exam
I am ready as ever
I will get an 'A'

Impatience: by Tim Lehman
School: six days more now
Freedom will be upon me
Wait I cannot do

Miny Baker: by Tim Lehman
My gym exam: ha!
I will take it blindfolded
Just wait and watch me

Unamed: by Zach Layman
Fuck English and books.
Screw Seely and all her grades.
Destroy the beauty.

Jesus: by Alan Richardson, Zach Layman, and Jerry Riendeu
Jesus is real cool
he walks on water alot
water into wine...