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Grimmsdaughter's Tales — Profile

Name:  J. Arnold
Location:  Tennessee
Birthday:  27 July, 1967
Bio:  Use to be a wild child, but all grown up now. Left Tennessee after my 15th birthday to find my mom. Wound up traveling cross country and landed in Alaska. Did a season on a commercial fishing boat, hitched the Alcan then wound back up in TN where I began work as a journalist for a news publication.
Interests:  Love love LOVE the written word! Reading, writing music, poetry, short fiction and funny stories for my niece and nephews. Although I am mathematically dyslexic, I am still very interested in physics and astronomy. Dad began taking us arrowhead hunting when we were kids, so I have a natural interest in geology and spelunking, and when it comes to growing a fine patch of watermelon for my homemade wine---well now...can't leave THAT one out! Absolutely adore my spouse, home, animals and family, and one day plan to take them back across the trails I walked in Alaska!
Blog Created:  Sunday, 23 January 2005
Last Updated:  Sunday, 20 February 2005 - 3:29 AM EST
Blog Entries:  6

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