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Welcome!! Welcome!! I welcome you to my Corner of Poetry. From here on in, you will hopefully find some beautiful, and yet different poetry. I am Barbara, your guide for this tour. If you'd like to know a little something about me, well, let me introduce myself.

Name: Barbara Katz
Nickname: Riiko
Born: February 11th 19??
Hobbies: Watching Anime, Reading, Drawing, Jewelry Making, and of course, writing poetry!
Family: 5 Brothers (Russell, Bryan, James, Nick, Scott)

Anything more you want to know? Email me!

Now, for my poetry. I have about 120 poems so far, not as much as some people out there but I try. I have to wait for inspiration. The first few pages are going to be my favorite pieces. then some of the others you might enjoy. We'll see. I hope you like it and enjoy!

Happy Poems

Space Poems

All About You

Flowery Poems

Dark and Sad Poems

Mr. Mouse's Adventure

The Prophecy Circle

Scary Poems

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