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This website has been designed as the final product of a group project for an education course at St. Xavier University in Chicago. Our purpose in building the site is to share some ideas about poetry as a genre of literature, to discuss some of the sub-genres of poetry, and offer some lesson plans and links to other sites we've found helpful for teaching poetry at the secondary level.

While working in the group, each of us has come away with vital experience we feel will be necessary in the teaching profession, the most important being that though there may be miscommunication and conflict within a professional collaboration, the problems can be put aside and the quality of the work produced does not have to suffer.

At the beginning of the semester, we decided to do our project on the various aspects of poetry so as to leave a wide spectrum of research for each of us to study. We scheduled a series of group meetings, and planned out due dates for ourselves to have work completed by. However, for one reason or another, not all of us always attended the meetings we marked as mandatory, turned in work on the proper due date, or turned in less-than-desirable quality work. But in spite of these problems, we pulled together, worked hard, put differences aside, and completed a thematic unit on poetry, lesson plans, and poetry analyses, which are linked to below. We have also compiled a list of other links relevent to poetry (see Links page).

Thanks for stopping by - we hope you find our site helpful and enjoyable!


Chrissi's Poetry Corner
Christine's Poetry Corner
Cristin's Poetry Corner
Unit Of Poetry
Lesson Plans
List Of Links
Fun Poems
Getting The Knack (Teaching Of Poetry Book Review)