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As the soot and dirt and ash rained down, we became one color. 
As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building, 
we became one class. 
 As we lit candles of waiting and hope, we became one generation. 
 As the firefighters and police officers fought their way into the inferno,
we became one gender. 
 As we fell to our knees in prayer for strength, we became one faith. 
As we whispered or shouted words of encouragement, 
we spoke one language. 
As we gave our blood in lines a mile long, we became one body. 
As we mourned together the great loss, we became one family. 
As we cried tears of grief and loss, we became one soul. 
As we retell with pride of the sacrifice of heroes, 
we become one people. 

We are: 
One color 
One class 
One generation 
One gender 
One faith 
One language 
One body 
One family 
One soul 
One people 
We are The Power of One. 
We are United. 
We are America. 

~ Unknown ~

~God Bless America~

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This great java script which allows our star burst is an original by


God Bless America by Lee Greenwood. 
Click HERE