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I am a human full of hope for tomorrow. 
I am an optimist in a realist's body 
pushing to the surface 
yet never foaming over into illusion. 

I am compassion in a world 
marked by continuous and struggle 
of the human soul to finally be free. 

I am not flawless or without fault, 
I make mistakes too. 

I am love and try to spread it around 
to those looking for 
peace of mind, 
peace of body, 
peace of soul. 

I am curious, always wanting to know more. 
I am open to share my knowledge and to learn more. 

I am resourceful enough to attempt 
to put my thoughts and ideas into motion. 
I am willing to learn. 

I am human, 
sometimes a bundle of nerves and emotions, 
sometimes a a sponge soaking in and releasing 
a constant flow of knowledge and energy. 

Author Unknown to me

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