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Don't tell me to sit quietly,
Chew on my bran and relax!
My feet just gotta get up and go,
My heart's still gonna make tracks.

I never got with that old rockin' chair,
Though it sometimes has had its appeal;
Life is such a glorious feast
And I'm ready for the next meal.

My eyes aren't what they usta be,
But I haven't filled them yet.
I may not remember all the names,
But I want to meet those I've not met.

Let me fire up my scanner with garden views;
Let my webpage have midis along;
I wouldn't be wanting to pass my days
Without the color and song.

So many delights to greet me each day,
Even petting a dog or a cat,
And hearing the birds in my backyard tree.
How could anyone feel old with all that?

So many more things I can't wait to do.
(But I don't plan much time in the malls.)
I'll drive up the coast on old Highway 1.
I'll go see Niagara Falls.

The Blue Ridge Mountains are waiting for me
Where my autoharp gets brand new strings.
The Tetons are calling me: I must return
Where that glorious range always sings.

If I can still play with some words in a verse,
Eat lunch with an ocean view,
Walk in the mountains and touch the sky,
My heart will awake and renew.

I never will tire of hearing a laugh,
Or seeing somebody smile.
I'll never be weary of seeing a friend
Whether often or once in a while.

No way I'll ever be over the hill,
Tho' the field may look dead as straw;
A few little raindrops left here and there
And my spirit starts yelling, "Hurrah!"

A look at a crystal with amethyst hue,
A blossoming rose by the road,
The smell of tomato vines heavy with fruit--
These make life a very light load.

When I hear some music, my feet start to dance,
Then soon I'll be singing out loud.
I can't pass a dollhouse without looking in.
I talk to myself. That's allowed!

I'll work and I'll play 'til I just cannot budge,
So don't send me to pasture. No way!
I'm still not ready to act my age.
And don't hold your breath for that day.

Verse by Dorothy

My Heartfelt Thanks to Dorothy
for permission to use her beautiful poem !!!

Click Here to visit her site!





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Original MIDI "Jamaka" by Andy Klapwyk
Click Here to visit his site!