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United We Stand 

To the perpetrators: America’s not done yet. 
Prepare yourselves, we are coming strong. 
I am sure it won’t be too long. 

You attack us for our freedom, for our policy. 
You attack our country because we are free. 
Our freedom will never die. 
No matter what you try. 

We have the message, it's loud and clear. 
Now it's you who have something more to fear. 
Every American, has the heart of a lion. 
It's so senseless that humans are dying. 

For your twisted causes, what a shame. 
You kill our people and then it's us you blame? 
The images of lives lost, a tragedy. 
Is this the price we pay to be free? 

I will never take freedom for granted, never again. 
The message we send is America will win. 
United we are standing. Divided? Not at all. 

God Bless America! 
Stand beside her and guide her, 
We will fight for our right to be free. 
   Pray for the families, pray for us all. 
Stand up America, PROUD and TALL. 

Greg Sykes 9-12-01





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