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1. I am God, Don't put yore pickup truck before me.

2. Don't be makin' beer can statues of me & don't put up no velvet paintings of my house neither.

3. Don't use my name when ya cuss.

4. Y'all go ta church on Sundee.

5. Be nice to yore ma & pa.

6. Be CAREFUL when ya feud with ya naybors, ya might kill somebody!

7. Ya sister is good enuf, don't be messin around with somebody else's.

8. Leave ya naybors pigs & chickens whare they are.

9. Fess up, tell the truth, & quit blaming everbody else for yore screw ups.

10. Don't be droolin over ya naybors tractor, bass boat, sister, trailer, or nuthin'.

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