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***The World of Angel Shay***


Some of my favourite Poems which I have written
My Chat Room!!
Some More Poems!
Some Pictures!
Guestbook! Please Sign
Just a little Poll, please vote, only takes a moment!!
Discussion Board!
Shut Sellafield!
NICE- the children's charity which I volunteer for.
Amnesty International
Sean's U2 site..possibly the best site ever!

Hi Everyone!!
I am realllllly sorry about the length of time it has taken me to even come close to updating this site, to the point where I dont think I will even bother. I think the time has come for the site to be taken down, there just doesnt seem to be much point in it anymore...and also I think I mite just get a new domain name and make a fresh site with different stuff...
Anyways, apart from all is pretty uni and things are mental, so much work and so much alcohol, not a good combo!! Also have left the lovely place of work I was at (thank god) so now im in another store- oh the joy lol...and am loving being out of lisburn!and away from certain people hahaha!