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Dark and gloomy

Torn and scared

Bitter coldness all around

Rickety branches and feeble leaves

Dark vast pits

Masked in the brush

Step by step taken lightly

Something is moving

What shall it be

A dark vague figure


Step more rapidly

Moving faster

Further on

A rusty-chained gate

What lies thereafter

Shall be unknown

Heart pulsating and racing

Not knowning what shall happen

What does it want

Gradually turning

Breathing in the moist raw air

Going the other way

Back from were you came

Back to it

Asking what it wants

But no reply

Them observe

It's hiding

Not wanting to be seen

Leave me alone, it whimpers

Dont hurt me, Go away

Thats when reality takes place

The vague figure

Isnt vague anymore

But more solid

Getting closer

Being able to see

That figure is familiar

That figure is me