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Level 9 Spells

Time Stop:

This spell enables you to unleash total Hell on your enemies. Do you hate it when you are a victim of Time Stop? Now you can inflict the pain on your enemies instead. Combine this with Improved Alacrity for really total mayhem.

Chain Contingency:

This enables you to store 3 spells of level 8 and below. You can either use it offensively, defensively or as a counter. Either way, it is a good way to unleash several spells quickly.


This spell enables you to forgo rest and is best used with high WIS( if your WIS is below 18, drink a Potion of Insight first).


With this spell, enemies can kiss their spell protections goodbye, just remember to cast a lower level counter spell like Ruby Ray of Reversal first in case they have a Spell Shield activated.

Other Spells To Consider


Why cage them when you can just kill them?


The only time you will want to use Freedom is when somebody gets Imprisoned. Best to just carry some scrolls along and not waste a spell slot on it.


Trust me, by the time you can cast this, you are already more terrifying than a puny Pit Fiend.

Spell Trap:

Staff of Magi has it and its' version is much better.

Detailed analysis on Spell Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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