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"Welcome!!! Feel free to explore! Scroll up and down k... hehe. And try to fill up my guestbook if uor free.. Enjoy the Musiz!.... "



"you wanted the best, it wasn't me, will you give it back, now i'll take the lead, when there's no more room to make it grow..i'll see you again, you'll pretend you're naive, is this what you want,is this what you need? how you end up let me i go, remember all the simple things you know,my mind is just a crutch and i still hope,that you will miss me when i'm gone..this is the last song"



"I'm really busy and stress.. i have sch in the morning and work in e aftrnoon. i'll update when i'm free...........Posted by Alsiddiq 23 APRIL 2004"