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Window of Truth

my window of pleasure is open again. where i meet strangers and soon become friends. enjoying each moment together, as if it lasts forever. there you came in and out of my life, though i know we are miles apart, i feel you close at heart and longing to have you in my arms. until i just learned... out there you just found someone new. though, im hurting still can't let go. pity myself all i could do, is to face the reality... here in my window, the only way i could see you. would you even know until now,i wait for you... --Dingmay42


S-hame on you T-ortured my innocence U-nforgivable lies you've had P-risoned from your foolishness I-ndeed i forsake you F-orever be gone.. never come back Y-ou might just regret looking back --Dingmay42

what i wanted

i am a survivor of my past but now afraid of what to come fall in love again just to get hurt? so long then... in love again want to make things much lighter so we could breath in not again, are we really meant? fearing.. we may only have yesterday in the end... --Dingmay42


Sheets of memories Humming inside my head Essence of our past In my heart i find Loving you more Against all odds Sanity came to me As you've changed on me Leaving me all behind Vulnerable now i am Adoring you all this time Never wanna let go though Ironically i havent seen you yet Anchored forever in love with you --Dingmay42

there you are

yesterday, is history i regret all what i did let those chances pass me through making same mistakes, let me go.. today, waking up late again always same old things.. i really need to change can someone inspire me on everything tomorrow, i want to be somebody far from what i used to be will i ever make it through to be somebody i never knew in the future, in search again 'til i just saw you right after me -----------suspense ah! haha! --Dingmay42


way too much my expectations AFTER all have long gone AGAIN, i sudden felt so alone is there someone i'm missing for from nowhere.. you appear then AFTER all the longing AGAIN, you asked for us to be together i'm sorry to say... but you are long forgotten way before you left AFTER all the hurting AGAIN, i learned to be stronger and found it's only me, i'm just missing... --Dingmay42


autumn whispers my ear to sit n the bench where i found you crying... resting my arms on your shoulder i found myself there after.. tear drops you are sharing makes me feel you'll be my ever... is it you i hear whispering?... i need a lover... --Dingmay42

stupid poem

i love you coz i need you i need you coz i'm afraid i'm afraid coz i don't wanna loose you if i lost you it's coz of pride coz of pride i'm now hurt i'm hurt coz i'm a fool i'm a fool coz i love you..lolz! --Dingmay42


S et you free.. i cannot DO T rust me baby, i'm all about YOU A ll i want is in YOU Y ears of waiting i always DO W ith no doubt in YOU I promise to love YOU T o the longest time could DO H ere soon just me and YOU M arry you i would DO E nding my fear of not having YOU --Dingmay42


i maybe causing you much pain don't even like my doing i maybe causing you much trouble let me hear from you a word i maybe ruining your day how i hate that feeling i maybe taking much of your time please know my longing i maybe loving you too much just when i hate thinking we are miles apart... --Dingmay42

don't do it, baby

don't try to ask me if i love you please take good care of who is mine? don't try to ask me how much i miss you where am i? suddenly..when you're out of my mind? don't make me promise to you now will forever be long enough to hear all that? don't make me wait for you too long where you are now want me to come? don't feel sorry for us being miles apart what matters is we're back again, right? don't try not to answer me has love got to do with all these? --Dingmay42