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My Home Page

Hello to all my friends everywhere. I miss you all. I figured it was time to update. So here is a quick update for those of you who look here. I've moved. I don't live in Florida now. I don't live in Michigan now. I live in Saipan. Where is Saipan? Well,it's a small island east of the Philipines. It is right above Guam.

I grew up in a very cold, snowy place north of where I am now. We get a lot of snow in my home town. In the summer I am a lifeguard and a Sunday school teacher. In the fall and winter I am a teacher. That's right, I graduated.

I am more interested in helping people than in just teaching. (Teaching is wonderful, but I wanted to be a little more adventurous.) I'm not on the ship, but I am adding a little more adventure to my life. Living in the Wouth Pacific will do that to life.

Now I'm working hard on those lesson plans every night, studying to keep ahead of what I have to teach, and trying to learn to like the food. It's not too hard since the main food here is rice. But I have to admit, I was spoiled by Joe's cooking last year. Oh well. Gotta get used to eating what is available. br>

My Poems
Brilliant Blues
Looking Ahead

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