dancing girl press

dancing girl press & studio


A Woman Traces the Shoreline
Sheila Squillante
dancing girl press, 2011

Sheila Squillante's poems and essays have appeared in such print and online venues as Prairie Schooner, Quarterly West, Phoebe, The Southeast Review, Melusine, TYPO, 42Opus, Brevity and PANK Magazine. She has been the recipient of fellowships from the MacDowell Colony and from the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and received a Pushcart nomination for her work in 2009.

from A Woman Traces the Shoreline


I stare at my belly and he reads Bahktin. I read about amniotomies and they become potatoes thrown by aliens in my dreams. I’m gonna get you! I dream of old loves, of bears, of circumcision. I dream of women, of my own taut skin. I read around in books. I coexist. I am becoming, they tell me, “wholer.”