Dancing Girl Press

dancing girl press

DGP Chapbook Series
Wicked Pen Publications



The Resurrection of Trotsky
poems by Adrianne Marcus
$5.00(includes S&H)

Click Here for Details

Adrianne Marcus's collection is a book filled with ghosts, from those of Trotsky himself to the spirits of lost objects. Each piece is tightly wrought and maginificent, strong poems filled with plaintive echoes of joy, memory, and loss.

Also available.....

Wicked Alice Print Issue
$5.00(includes S&H)

Click Here for Details

This first-ever print annual features selected work from online issues over the past two and a half years, including poems by Elizabeth Glixman, Rae Weaver, Arlene Ang, Janet Buck, Karyna McGlynn, Nadia Brown, Tara Gilbert-Brever, Lightsey Darst, Claire Keyes, Annalynn Hammond, Adrianne Marcus, Lori Williams, Alex Stolis, Christopher Barnes, Odilia Rivera, Kim Welliver, Averil Bones, Shann Palmer, Rebecca Loudon, Theresa Boyar. Sarah Goodwin, Cynthia Ritchie, Rebecca Cook, Taylor Graham, and Sieannen Bell.

poems by Kristy Bowen

Wicked Pen Publications
$5.00 (Includes S&H)
Click here for details

With its lush, lyrical, and evocative poems, belladonna pervades the tension between language and the body with a dark surreal undercurrent and rich, ethereal images.

Bloody Mary
poems by Kristy Bowen
$3.00 (includes S&H)
Click Here for Details

In this first volume of the DGP Chapbook Series, Bowen centers this collection around the idea of the monstrous feminine in a tight knit group of poems exploring myth, adolescence, the body, identity and sexuality. In carefully-crafted, rhythmical, free-verse, the poems resonate with madness, loss, and longing.

A subsidiary of Wicked Pen Publications, Dancing Girl Press was founded in 2004 to publish and promote the work of women poets through chapbooks, journals, and anthologies.