
Scenes from the Body
text/photographs by Robyn Art
dancing girl press, 2007
$7.00 (includes S&H)
About the Author:
Robyn Art is the author of The Stunt Double In Winter, forthcoming from Dusie Press in October 2007. She is also the author of the chapbooks Degrees of Being There (Boneworld Press 2003) Vestigial Portions of the Dead Sea Scrolls(Dancing Girl Press September 2006) and The Last Time I Saw Bonnie Blue (ensemblejourine.com, May 2007.)
from Scenes from the Body:
It was a kind of falling-toward,
A stained, magnificent bloodbath
Wherein we were split in two,
And then there were two,
It was fits of anhilatory bliss
And the sutures that wouldn’t hold,
The nearly unbearable tenderness
As we trudged along the block:
Bovine, besotted,
Slogging through the steady
Flow of suits and midsize canines,
The monophonic swan song of which
We’d always dreamed: holding someone
As she dreams and the dream
Becomes you holding her,
The spit-up, onesies,
Mass influx of rattles,
The old gray mare that ain’t
What she used to be:
We wanted to take
One last look back but soon
It was clear there was
No way back……….