About birds Stacy Kidd
dancing girl press, 2011
About Birds
Stacy Kidd is completing a PhD in English at the University of Utah. Her poems have appeared in Boston Review, Columbia, Eleven Eleven, The Iowa Review and WITNESS, among others. She is founder and editor of the new online journal intersection(s), which launches this winter and is found here: intersectionsjournal.org.
About Birds
This is our little lie,
little pigeon, why we wink
for copper or stop
near water to fill our arms
with wildflowers—
we’re struck again. All feathers,
bother the sky. A little
girl, she’s cough & cough. She tilts
her head & pitches
a few crumbs out the window, bird,
bird. Her room
is growing again. A body,
it grows into another
body, but not like the dream
of kissing. The first time
we peel an apple
in one legendary strip—
toss, toss our hair & gorge on cider.