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What Is, Is Not


There is that which is and that which is not

that which you earned and which you’ve got.

The parts that are... are often for naught

and the parts you earned are rarely bought.


In other words they're just desserts,

as what you reaped you sowed at first.

And not what you dream, but what you know

is that which simply isn't so.


For knowledge is a form of fiction

not born of fact, but of conviction.

Until you know this one pretense

life will make scant little sense.


So entertain your pretty thoughts

about what you earned v. what you bought.

list all your hopes and all your fears

think what you have; what you hold dear.


There's nothing real and nothing sure

two more diseases with no cure

and lest you think I've lost my mind,

try KNOWING that you're loved sometime.


As far as what is earned, it's truly not

all those wonderful things that you went out and bought,

but love returned from fellow man.

Now sow those seeds while you still can.