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There are those for whom life is nothing but work

killing themselves over financial gain

playing kiss-ass to a boss who's a jerk

hoarding their dollars in case it should rain


Working up ulcers and popping down pills

taking regimens, god knows what for

they rack up those heavenly medical bills

then they run out and kill themselves more


Day into week turns to month into year

chewing up credit, they work even harder

living on caffeine and dying of fear

one would hope that they'd be getting smarter


As they finally see wrinkles and recall the time

and wonder what happened to living

they notice that each minute making a dime

was a minute they could've spent giving


By then it's too late, yet one more wasted life

and they turn for consolement from spouse

(If lucky, they’ve managed two kids and a wife)

but they're no longer in the same house


Alone and forgotten they sit in their chairs

as they drink up and contemplate how

they had not noticed life had been going on there

While they were busy tracking the Dow


And when those old slaves are buried and gone

leaving nothing but this work tradition

one old generation hands slavery on

to a crop with yet more ambition!