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Darkened streets in light of day

all hope gone now, come what may

life worth less than one man's purse

jaded hearts, less fate than curse


Born to die in poverty

hardly an opportunity

and unable to recognize

to see when good things do come by


Two hundred years it has been now

and yet the people can't see how

it cannot be simply undone

battles unfought are never won


Simple band-aids and quick handouts

are not what a cure is all about

To truly cancel out this ill

takes more than that, yes much more still


Raising their pride and self respect

wanting more than a monthly check

Planting the seeds of hope in them

turning children back into men


Replacing all their families lost

when they were bought and sold at cost

we cannot hand them dignity

these former slaves, now barely free


Somehow we must restore their faith

in our great nation and its place

the land of opportunity

land of the brave, home of the free.


Instill in them that very spark

the one that left them in dark

when all their freedom went away

bring back the light into their day.