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-Feeding Time-


People always wonder where all the good ones have gone

meanwhile, they hunt us like an endless herd

and when we are used up, toss us aside like the spent rind of a melon


What the fuck do they think they're gonna do when the supply chain dries up?

Feed on each other like so many shipwrecked rats?

I watch them across the restaurant as they sit around,

pick their teeth and bitch about how our world is




and all the good ones have disappeared...


I am not predicated to hate, but I really do despise their hypocritical bullshit!

In another time... in another place, they would honor us,

respect us, even teach their children to be like us! 


But not here. 

       Not this place.

Here, they bleed the life out of us like


       fat little suckling pigs

           Cute, cuddly and fun...


              until one gets hungry enough...

then it's feeding time

              and all pleasantries go out the window....