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~ cobwebafternoons ~

~ last updated ~ 09.11.2004.... on a cobweb afternoon.... ~

when i'm writing, the darkness is always there.
i go where the pain is.
~ anne rice ~

i will not live out of me
i will not see with others' eyes
my good is good, my evil ill
i would be free
~ ralph waldo emerson ~

About Me

All people, at some point in their lives,need answers. Some of these answers may come in the form of a verbal statements or replies, while most other filter through mediums. Poker tables or pool halls, sports cars to saloons, people have the idiotic misconception that it is completely possibe to find their "answers" in things that are beyond themselves. I believe that we were born with all the knowledge that we'll ever need. Yes, we'll learn some trivial bullshit along the way because that is what society demands of us, but I have not yet met a single individual who can explain me how the slope of a line (y = mx + b) can help me to find the meaning and faith in myself that will help me to not feel like shit tommorow. My answers are all in here, in my words. My poetry. I use the word "poetry" very loosely, that one word doesn't seem to encompass enough for me, my words hold more than that, my words are my pieces. Each is a reflection of myself, of a thought, a memory, a regret. Lately, a few people have asked me why my work is so "dark" and "depressing", well, if you've ever actually experienced love or betrayal, pain or grief, rage or sorrow, or have ever felt like you were completely alone and misunderstood in the world, I can almost guarantee that you might have found some "dark" and "depressing" things there too. You may not choose to write about them as I have, and that's fine. Is it quite possible to write about happy, fun, mushy things like puppies, rainbows, flowers, popsicles, pink kites and ice cream? Sure! And I would be more than happy to point you in the direction of the nearest Hallmark to get a card for your grandma, and then slap you in the face....Anyways, this site is basically a collection of my "pieces", from around april of 1999 when I was just a wee lass of sixteen until well....right now...(I'll be updating it everytime I write something new, so...don't be a freakin' stranger) it also includes lyrics from some songs that blow me away cause they're amazing, some quotes that are and interesting, and my own random thoughts to people who deserve to have them. Comments, suggestions, ANY feedback at all is greatly appriciated, I my kicks off of people telling me that they could relate to something that I wrote, it makes everything well worth the effort. my e-mail is Please sign my fucking guestbook too. It took me five years and a shitload of drama to get all these together, and then countless hours to put this site up (I taught myself HTML so I could write all my own code...and if you're not impressed, YOU SHOULD BE!), so taking three minutes to write me a quick note or comment ain't nothin you lazy bastards can't handle. That's all I got for ya. Much love to everyone, thanks for comin out.


if i lose the light of the sun, i will write by candlelight, moonlight, no light. if i lose paper and ink, i will write in blood on forgotten walls. i will write always. i will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you.
~ florence litlauer ~

Lyrics Pick of the Week

~ Ben Folds "Gone" ~

(For Jul-Jul)

I thought I'd write
I thought I'd let you know.
That the year since you've been gone
I've finally let you go
And I hope you find some time to drop a note

But if you won't
Then you won't
And I will consider you gone.
I know that you went straight to someone else
While I worked through all this shit here by myself.
And I think that you should spend some time alone

But if you won't
Then you won't
Then I will
Then I will consider you gone.
I'll wake up in the night
all alone, and that's all right
the chemicals are wearin' off
just you’ve gone
The days go on, the lights go off and on
And nothing really matters when you're gone
If you think that you feel nothin’ at all

If you don't
Then you don't
If you won't
If you won't
Then I will...then I will...Yea I will
Consider you gone.

Poem of the Week

Walt Whitman "Song of Myself" (excerpt)

Have you reckoned a thousand acres much?
Have you reckoned the earth much?
Have you practiced so long to learn to read?
Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?

Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems,
You shall possess the good of the earth and sun.... there are millions of suns left,
You shall no longer take things at second or third hand.... nor
look through the eyes of the dead. nor feed on the spectres in books,
You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me,
You shall listen to all sides and filter them from yourself.

Quote of the Week