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Wealth And Riches

How is one's wealth really measured in the end?
Is it all about how much money he has saved or can spend?
Does the amount of money one has constitute one's true worth?
Winning or making millions, or suckin' on a silver spoon since birth?

Are we successful in life if we have a big bank account, big house, and expensive car?
Do power, money, and greed make one into a real live superstar?
I hear many people wish for these things every single day,
As if a huge bundle of money will make them whole - show them the way.

This cannot be the answer to the problems facing us these days
To strive to be like the oppressors or to try to emulate their evil ways
Worldly possessions will not serve to make a person whole
Nor will power and greed ever save any man or woman's soul

Richness of character and the strength to do the right thing by one another
Treat and love all peoples as if they are your very own sister or brother
And if you cross paths with someone who has happened to fall
Take this person by the hand and help him to stand tall

Just a small amount of compassion and understanding can go a long way
In helping someone get past hard times, or just brighten an otherwise dreary day
A truly rich man can measure his wealth by acts of good will and kindness
Not by monetary wealth accumulated or how many others people they oppress