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To Another Single Mom

Yeah, it's not easy and it's not cheap
And the hill you'll climb will be quite steep
But a child's love runs very deep
I'm in it too, but I have a daughter
And she remembers all that I've taught her
Her father left doesn't even support her
We got divorced cuz he was playin' me and trickin'
Then he moved to Texas with some fat ass chic
If you ask me he is a dick
Might have been better if she never knew her dad
Then she wouldn't miss what she never had
Now that he's gone, sometimes she feels sad
My girl is so sweet; I don't ever want her to hurt
I wish her dad weren't such a piece of filthy dirt
Who couldn't stop chasin' after every single skirt
There were times when she was afraid I would leave too
And she would cry and say mommy please don't leave me, cuz I love you
I had to convince her what her dad did is something I would never do
We'll be alright though cuz she knows her mom really cares
And that whatever happens mom will always be there
You'll be OK too, just hang in there, don't despair