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Mi Hogar de la Pura Vida

Peace on earth, good will towards men
I've heard these words quoted again and again
La paz esta en mi ciudad de Alajuela
En la tierra del libre, Costa Rica

Tranquila es la "Pura Vida"
Kick back, relax, n' smoke a little weeda
Para ver mi nuevo hogar quedarse un libre tierra
Está el primer en mis pensamientos ahora

No tengo gusto de lo que ven mis ojos aquí
"The Almighty Buck" currupting the land of the free
Capitolist opportunism has planted it's ugly seed
Y mi Pura Vida is being destroyed by pure idle greed

But here you're still allowed to have your own space
No need to compete in some rediculous race
No ay problema, there is always tomorrow
As my soul remains aqui, so my heart must follow