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May I walk with you down the long winding path?
May I talk with you? - May we joke? - May we laugh?
May I possibly lend you a helping hand?
May I ask your advice? - Will you understand?
May we break bread together at the same table?
May we watch MTV or a movie on cable?
May we sit on a sandy beach in the sun?
May we count down the New Year 5-4-3-2-1?

May I go to the ends of the earth and back.
May I pack all my dreams in a neat nap sack.

May the moon and the sun shake hands as they pass.
May the sun's warm rays kiss the dew from the grass.
May our most precious dreams all come true.
May all bad turn to good, May what's old become new.
May reality find the hidden portal bridged to fantasy.
May we find the secret ingredient to the perfect recipe.
May we talk to the stars and the flowers and the birds.
May we communicate with all things without using words.

May we find the inner peace we are looking for.
May we find the secret key to unlock the hidden door.