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In Remembrance

Anniversaries can be nice to remember I suppose
If celebrated with song or with one lovely red rose
To commemorate the day that you married for love
Or the day a special prayer was answered from up above

But why do so many wish to commemorate something so sad?
To dwell in a grieving state about bad times they've had?
I can't get into that at all, no matter how many others do
And I will NEVER visit anyone's grave at a cemetery - it's true

The instant replay of past events, repeated over and over across the air waves
What does this solve, who's spirit will it heal, and how many souls will that save?
As far as I can see this only feeds the fire and incites the fury of the masses
And causes deeper feelings of disparity and depression in those suffering personal losses as each day passes

Rather, I prefer to celebrate life and to work with all for a humane and righteous solution
Join together with all peoples towards a truly spiritual revolution
More death and destruction cannot be the right answer, mankind is still acting Medieval
Preying on the already weak and broken in the name of justice is not "just" - it is evil

Rise above the call for more turmoil and suffering, and have the courage to say NO!
Enough is enough. Lay down the weapons, no more blood shed, for we will reap what we sow
If we export more "terror" on the innocents of this world, because of these cheap lies we have been told
Then in the end when we are all judged, we will find that it is our souls that we have sold.

In remembrance, say your prayers for the American lives lost on that September 11th day
For the Afghan women and children blown up in US air attacks, I request we also pray
For the Iraqi peasants living in the real "terror" of threatened US air attacks - pray another moment today
More death and destruction - even in the name of "America" will not open the "Pearly Gates" for anyone on Judgment Day