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 The Penguin Sanctuary | Other Ramblings | Bad Fiction

 Element II: Thundersword Assault
 Chapter 2 - No Quarter

Showers of Hellfire rounds decked the surrounding trench. Element 2 braced for cover as the Myrmidons recovered from the explosion to go on the offensive. Their rhythmic pounding increased as they approached Element 2's foxhole.

"Got a plan sir? Those Mechs are a hundred meters and closing. Pretty soon we'll have them breathing down our necks. Thank the Wolf those Legion troops were all wiped out during the ceiling bust. Still leaves us with 50,000 pounds of metal coming towards our position full force though. Doesn't look good, I say we grab our Phoneix's and give them all we got. Have a feeling we're going down anyways, might as well take them as well. AA systems can't stop three company's missiles." Thyroid muttered to Pancor while avoiding another salvo of the Myrmidon's rockets.

"Tell me Thyroid, when we were out numbered on Hepta Draconis, did we blink in the face of danger?" Pancor glared at Thyroid, before resuming, "No! We found a way out above the odds and regrouped for the biggest Revolution victory to date! Do you back down now just because the odds are a little stacked? There's always a way, we just need to search for it." After shouting his lecture, the Myrmidon's launched a second wave of Phoenixes towards Delta Company. Titanium flew abroad, as the missiles found their targets. Delta however, was far from devastated. Suffering only minor casualties, Pancor stood up and gave the order to Element 2 for their counter-assault.

"All right, here's how we're going to live! Now Delta, get out of the trench before those rockets decimate you. Bravo will stay behind and give those Myrmidons some Hellifre suppression to think about. Epsilon, follow Delta for now until I give you your secondary order. Now shift out!"

Hearing his Captain's orders, Thyroid screamed to his men, "Take aim on the Mech's legs boys, there's a chance of crippling it. Plus, who knows, maybe their AA systems can't shoot missiles that land that low." Bravo agreed in unison, took out their Missile Lanchers and kneeled.

Meanwhile, Edox led Epsilon out of the Trench. Pancor took Delta forwards towards the Myrmidons, as Epsilon flanked them. "Pelt them with your Hellfires, it may not do anything, but we'll get their attention for sure!" Edox commanded. Soon as the Mechs were being slowly worn down by constant barrages, they turned and headed towards Delta & Epsilon's direction.

As the Mechs responded to Element 2's move, they stopped charging the trench momentarily to engage them. Just as the Myrmidons primed their Gatling guns, Thyroid saw the Mechs turn, he gave his order, "They've got their sides to us, GIVE THEM ALL THAT YOU'VE GOT! No quarter boys, half of them are turned towards us, that'll be five down, five more to go." Soon the roar of Bravo's missiles filled the air.

"Lieutenant, we have them in our sights. They seem to be escaping from their self-dug trench. Engaging with Hellfire Gatlings now. The revolution doesn't stand a chance against us today. Preparing up our barrels now. Full power to Hellfire systems. Lieutenant, in twenty seconds Element 2 will become just an urban legend." Ensign Wiggen reported to his commanding officer. Sitting inside his Myrmidon cockpit, he and his crew prepared to engage Delta and Epsilon. The firing light indicated a go. After a systems check, he prepared to crush Element 2. Getting grip on the firing mechanism he began to pull until, a sudden beep caught his attention. Catching a look, he suddenly went pail.

"Wait! Sensors indicated a mass of foreign air bodies accelerating towards us. Our Anti Air systems are currently non-operational as we have switched all power to Gatling controls." Wiggen frantically relayed back to his Mech's Lieutenant.

"What?! Then switch to AA systems now! We'll rotate around and ca-" Was the last transmission from Wiggen's Myrmidon as Bravo's maelstrom caught the Mech by surprise. Having no AA systems, the missiles pierced through the Diamond-Lithium plating and shorted out all the Myrmidon's vital systems. Moments later, a once mighty beast toppled onto gaping explosions.

"Five down, another halfdozen to go." Thyroid smirked from his position addressing Bravo Company. "Let's see how Epsilon and Delta will handle them, they're out of our range now."

A galleon of figures full auto'ing on their Jackhammers pound away at the bedazzled Mechs. "Keep at it! Their shields won't hold out for long!" Pancor rallying his Company while leading the charge proclaimed. "Epsilon, go and take their flank, we'll cut them through the middle!" As he mustered up another round at the towering Mechs, suddenly they shifted positions and were barring down on Delta Company. A glare in Pancor's eyes revealed a soon to be FUBAR'd situation.

"Retreat, now! They're prepping flash bang cannons!" Hearing their Commander's words, Delta hurriedly tried to regroup. Too late, the remaining Myrmidons opened fire on the bulk of Delta.