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~ Lil Kitty Linkware Graphics - A Rose for My Love ~

Poetry From My Heart


The pain of losing you was so great
How do I deal with the fate?
Loving you I never expected it
Even my heart never detected it.
I cry for the love we could of had
All the lies and broken promises.
You made me so mad!!
The cheating,the mistreating
The worst kind of abuse,
What is your excuse?
How can I open my heart again?
Im afraid to love,feel the pain
To have the hurt,
The sorrow of those
Broken promises of tomorrow
Will I ever be free of you?
I still cry and feel so blue
How do I move on?
Where do I even belong?
Love has been so so cruel
Can I start over?
Or will I always be a fool?

Open your heart

Darling,open your heart to me
And you will see,im the one for thee
Just a chance is all im asking for
I dont want your looks
Nor does your money matter
I want your heart forever more
I can make you smile
And wanna go that mile
I can be your best friend to the end
We can walk the path hand in hand
We can share the good and bad days
Dream our dreams together
The ones we both had
I wanna be your one and only
So tell me darling
Will you open your heart to me?

Knowing You

I only knew you for awhile
Your love,laughter and smile
You stole my heart in a minute
Even my heart never detected it
Even though we will never be together
Those precious moments I'll always treasure
You put the shine in my eyes
And the stars in my sky
Oh my oh my your a wonderful guy
You put the hope back in my heart
Because of you i have a fresh start
You make me wanna,wake of the morning
And sleep of the night
Dreaming of us,dancing in the moonlight
Out of the darkness,into the light
Plans of my future are so bright
For all you gave me
I hope you receive love,peace and harmony

Touch Me

Touch my heart,touch my soul
Lift my spirits,make them soar
Hear my moans of esctasy
Come to me darling
Lets make a dream
Share a life,go to the extremes
We will go high never to fall
Lost in each other,out of control
Come to me darling,stay awhile
Take me my peak,share my destiny
Together we can share a life of joy
Hearts and souls united
Together we will be one

A Vow To You

You are my sunshine,my love my life
Someday i will be your wife
My darling these are my vows to you
I will always be faithful.honest and true
When you cry,I cry too
I will feel your pain
And share your joy
Hold your hand,and be your glory
If you fall.I fall too
Iwill pick you up
So you dont feel blue
I will be there thru the good and bad
And honestly,I hope I never make you mad
I will share your dreams
And be your best friend
A shoulder to lean on,to the end
I will put my heart and soul into loving you
So theres no doubt I will be true
These are my promises to you
My dear husband,friend and lover

To My Friend

When you are blue and all alone
Remember I am always home
When you cry,I will wipe your tears
Feel your joy,share your fears
You have been by my side
Through all the years
Yet thers nothing I can do
To erase your tears
Your hearts been broke
And I cant mend it
I would gladly give you mine
If I could lend it
Just tell what can I do?
I can talk to him
But I cant make him be true
He will discover,you are like no other
You must go on,live your life
Someday you will make
Someone a great wife
I hope these words
Ease your pain,mend your sorrow
See the light,and look to tomorrow
For guys like him are a dime a dozen
They dont deserve,a good womans loving

A Last Chance

All my life I have been looking for you
Yet when I found you I couldnt be true
I had to hurt you,the one I love
Even though you brought me happiness
You were there,so honest and true
When you went away
I couldnt wait to stray
Now that I have lost you
I feel so blue
I made you cry and feel so sad
It really does make me mad
I was such a fool
But making up is hard to do
I miss your smile and touch
Oh I miss it so so much
I guess its really over
And I should move on
For what love you felt for me
Is now forever gone
If I could turn back time
And relive my past
I promise you,this is what I'd ask
Just one more chance
And our love would last

A First Time,A Last Time

I remember our first time
A few dances,a little wine
The music was slow,the lights dim
,My insides were shaking
Like a breeze blowing a limb
Your touch,the look in your eyes
Saying you never wanted someone so much
Your taste so sweet and fine
All I ever wanted was you to be mine
Our hearts on fire with passion and desire
You gave me pleasure and my first taste of pain
Our esctasy drove our world insane
I remember our last dance
Our last kiss, the look in our eyes
As we parted and said good bye
You were my best friend
My first love,my soulmate
Without you was is my fate?

A Special Friend

To my special friend
Though we are far apart
You lie deep within my heart
As time passes and we age
And think of our past
As time goes so fast
We remember the tears and fears
The good times and bad
The sorrow and pain of nothing to gain
We laugh and cry say our good byes
But we never forget that special friend
Who will be there to the end
You know who you are
And I hope you go far
Just be you and always stay true
And reach for them stars
And hold them tightly
Because we all know
Sucess dont come lightly
Dreams the dreams that you had
Be glad you have a friend in me
I hope you can see
I will be there to the end
My sweet cherished friend

True Friends

Friends are like a breath of fresh air
They enter our lives and care
They pick you up
When you are down
They make you smile
When you want to frown
They see our tears and cry them too
And then we dont feel so blue
They make you laugh
And feel like a clown
Feeling up and not so down
A true friend is always there
Cause lifes so short
We dont have time to spare
For life is life
And should be cherished
For there will come a time
When we all will parish
Remember those few who
Have came in our live
And have been so true
Cause in a instant a life
Can be lost and we feel so blue
We wonder why God chose
To take our friend
Then we see the light
A friend in heaven "star" shines so bright
Lifes full of joy and pain
When I lost you my friend
My world went insane

©2004 Cathy Johnson