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Cathey's Page of Poetry and Stories to Warm Your Heart

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Save Angel
WB Angel
My family and animals

Inspiration, I want to inspire others to move, to do something with themselves, I love animals and have rescued several over the years. My animals are my friends and very important to me. I would fight for my family and animals.

I have won a few awards for my poems. I love to write and have been writing since I was five. I started out writing songs. At the age of 8, I sent a song into some recording studio. They wanted me to sign a contract until they found out that I was only 8 years old.

I am a huge Buffy and Angel fan. I like science fiction stories. I hope that Angel can return to TV.

One of my poems. It is about endangered species.

My Eyes Will Never See . . .
My eyes will never see a live dinosaur
Or even the hopes of seeing a saber-tooth tiger.
The dodo bird is gone forever.
The North American passenger pigeon
will fly in the skies--not ever.
The hopes of seeing a dusky seaside sparrow is crushed.
From ashes to ashes and dust to dust, we were all made.
To ashes to ashes and dust to dust, we will all be laid.

These animals are gone forever;
They are on a famous list.
It is not because of what they did ever,
For the human eyes will see them never.
They are on the extinct list.
What species next will lay their weary heads,
For when they do, then they will all be dead.
If things do not change from the way they are now,
The human race may take a bow.

My eyes have never seen a live dinosaur,
Or even hope of seeing a saber-tooth tiger.
The things we take from Earth are really just borrowed,
For our names could be on this list--tomorrow.

Cathey McNabb
Copyright ©2004 Cathey McNabb

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