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Casey DeVonne
The Princess of All Things Good

Hi there! I'm Casey. Chances are, if you've found this page, you probably already know at least SOMETHING about me. If not, here are the basics:

I'm a student at Louisiana College, woohoo!
I play piano and guitar, sing, read/write poetry and fiction, act, and probably a lot more things that I can't think of right now!
Billy Joel Rocks my socks!
All hail Paul McCartney & Wings!
Elton John is my homeoby!
hehehe. Yeah, those guys are great...

Hey, be sure to check out some of my links and stuff!

Top 3 Reasons You Love Me:

Oh, the Places We'll Go...

Pics of me and other psycho people!
Louisiana College!
Westgate High School, a.k.a. WestGhetto
NASA Picture of the Day--Awesome shit...
Check out my Facebook!
