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Middle-east Trip
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Cairo souk 

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Carl | June 02, 2005

The downtown Cairo souk is a great shopping adventure. Some of these shops are over 1000 year old. See how crowded and narrow the streets are. Actually 'streets' is a generous word, you can barely fit 2 people abreast along some of these narrow paths. The jewelry shop is where I bought some decent 21 karet gold. The jewelry section of the souk is called El Mosky.

Although you're not allowed to take pictures of the security guards on camels, this guard casually walked away from his camel so I could take his picture while his back was turned. He waited until I was done before comeing back. Love camels!

Great majestic pyramids and the Spinx, even one of the building blocks up close - see how shiny it is? Picture of Nada and me doing the tourist thing in front of the Spinx and the great pyramid of Giza.
Gisele | | June 09, 2005