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Darkness black as hell awaits,
And death creeps cross the land.
The moment of triumph is come too late,
The killing time is now at hand.

Souls all torn and trampled down,
Spirit wracked and innocence devoured.
Claws of terror surround child's heart,
Cry silent tears in darkest midnight hour.

Eyes stare blank from torture inside,
Darkness and evil dancing in the mind.
Pain and terror everywhere you look,
Nowhere to turn, heart's love rendered blind.

Arms wide-open sadness calling you near,
Darkness inside you can no longer roam.
Sharp cries in the night smothered in fear,
Sanitarium; it beckons, its welcome home.

Soul fading, blown on black wind,
The pain of the lash, devil's laughter a sigh.
Dissolving in emptiness, the void eternity,
This is your end, so just say goodbye.

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Design by Diana!